In early April, Jonathan journeyed to Nicaragua with an organization called Engineering Ministries International.  He went with a team of designers to design the master plan for an English as a second language school for “Palabra de Vida” (Word of Life Nicaragua) in the village of Chiquilistagua.


The team was made up of architects and engineers from the U.S. and Nicaragua.  Some only spoke Spanish, some only spoke English, and none of them had ever worked together before. 


Over the course of 5 days, they put together a design which evolved from hand sketches to full 3D renderings.


By the end of the week, a presentation was prepared.  And it turns out the majority of the audience was bilingual.  So the Spanish speaking members of our team did their portion in Spanish, and the English speaking members of our team spoke in English.  That means that the audience understood everything, but most of the presenters only got about half of it.  


The team worked great together, the locals were wonderful, the food was filling, and the weather was hot, I mean really hot.  So hot that a side trip to an active volcano turned out to be a pleasantly cool experience. 

